Newest BBM Brings @Mention Feature in Group, Video Post in Feeds for iOS, and More!

Hello @BBMers! We’ve got some exciting features to share with you today, from the capability to directly mention members in Group to more, fun ways to reply in chat, post in Feeds, and invite Friends to BBM. So be sure to upgrade your favorite messaging app in Google Play and App Store.  Read on for more details  about our most exciting, new features below.


Capture the attention of specific individuals in Group with @Mention feature

Group conversations are part of our everyday lives as we connect with our core and extended family, colleagues in multiple department, and friends in the same community. So how do we ensure that our important information will reach specific family member without being lost from other newer messages? How do we refer a colleague to the right person in charge? Simply tag the member(s) by using our newest @Mention feature!

Start by typing @ along with the first few letters of the name to have the recommended list appear on top of the chatbox. The @Mention feature can also be used when you reply messages and when you send image, video and document in BBM Groups. The member you tag will have an @ icon follow by the number (depending on how many times you mentioned the member) when he/she enters the group. Tapping on the @icon will directly show your chat.



Share your favorite moment or funny clip through Video Post in Feeds (iOS)

This highly requested feature was first available in Android, but now iOS users can also upload and view video post in both Feeds and Timeline (your profile or friend’s profile). This gives iOS users greater variety to express themselves and update their life events through a combination of text, classic BBM-emoji, image and now video.

Start off by clicking on “What’s on your mind” to see the Create Post screen, then click on the media icon. You’ll start in the image gallery by default so switch to the video tab. Choose any video, enter any caption (optional) and click “Done” once you finish.



Freedom to write/share longer status update in Feeds and receive notification! (Android)

We’re no longer restricting you to squeeze all your thoughts and feelings under 160 characters. Now we’ve extend the limit to 65,000 characters, allowing you to write descriptively until your heart’s content. It’s perfect for sharing long, inspirational messages or copying & pasting important information from a website.

Best of all, now you’ll never missed out on any interaction that happens around your status. You’ll receive instant notification on your phone when someone likes or comments on your status. But just in case you’re not a fan of receiving this push notification, we’re also giving you the freedom to adjust based on your preference. Simply check out the “Feeds & Timeline options” under the  “Notifications” setting.



Have more fun with your replies by using sticker, BBMoji, image and video!

At BBM, we’re always asking ourselves “How do we make chatting feel like it’s the closest thing to being there in person?” Since it can be difficult to reply words with well…words, we’ve added four different options to expressively share your response. For both Android and iOS users, you can choose from our thousands of stickers and even your own personalized sticker, BBMoji, to reply to text bubble, sticker bubble and BBMoji bubble. Specifically for Android users, you can even add image and video to respond to text bubble.



Invite your Social Circle on Facebook Messenger and Whatsapp to BBM

If you’re enjoying BBM and like the new features we’ve been promoting on our recent release, be sure to tell your family and friends about it! We’ve made it easier for you to invite them on Facebook Messenger and Whatsapp. On the ‘Contacts’ tab, select ‘Invite friends to BBM’ to see all the available options, which will depend on which apps are downloaded on your device. We’re counting on you, our loyal BBM users, to spread the word around!



We hope all these new features will enhance your experience in BBM! Don’t wait to take advantage of all the new and improved features on your favorite mobile app for chatting.  Be sure to upgrade now via Google Play today and App Store.

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